When we talk about purpose, it can mean more than one thing. Having a purpose gives meaning to your life and a chance to enjoy fulfillment. When you are fully in your purpose, you love everything and everyone around you and they love you just as much because you are so happy. Relationships thrive and opportunities and abundance abound in every direction when you are in your purpose and on your path.
But what exactly is your purpose? What does that mean?
We all have a purpose for this life that we aim to fulfill that you hear so much about, but there is also a Soul Purpose, which is about BEING who you truly are at Soul-level and expressing all your gifts and talents to the world.
Your life purpose is something you actively work to fulfill, but your Soul Purpose is something you ALLOW yourself to fulfill by being MORE of what you already are – allowing the expression of yourself to flow more freely into your daily life through your actions, thoughts and words, and especially your daily activities.
Fulfilling your Life Purpose means taking action to achieve something. Fulfilling your Soul Purpose means expressing yourself and all your gifts and talents as much as you possibly can.
Your Soul Purpose is to BE more of who you are, and your Life Purpose is to DO something.
When the two intersect, it can be truly amazing. If you can find a way to utilize all your innate Soul-level gifts and talents while fulfilling your Life Purpose, you’ve hit the jackpot in terms of fulfillment and you will also see the most abundance in your life.
True abundance and fulfillment comes along with the package as part of fulfilling your purpose because the more you are in your purpose, the more fulfilled you will be, and happier and naturally attract more abundance to you. When you are constantly distracted because you are not happy, your energy level is naturally lower and you simply can’t attract what you want for your life. You just don’t have the energy to do it.
What it comes down to is the more you know about who you are underneath it all, and the more you connect to and express it, the more fulfilling and happy (and abundant) your life will be.
So ask yourself … what has not knowing who you really are underneath it all cost you so far in your life?
Want to know more about who you are at Soul-level? To find out how you were designed to attract and achieve abundance? Book an Akashic Records Soul Profile Mini Reading today!