Communication with your Spirit Guides is a two-way street. You are supposed to be able to send messages to Spirit for requests that you have regarding manifestation or questions you need answered and you are supposed to be able to receive information from Spirit in response to your requests and for guidance as needed to help you in your daily life and along your path.
But it doesn’t always work that way. You may find that you are blocked.
It may feel to you that you have not been receiving the guidance you should be or that your requests are not being heard. And you might not be wrong. It is possible to be blocked when it comes to communicating with your Spirit Guides.
I work with clients all the time to help open their channels of communication with their Spirit Guides and to assist them in getting their own clear, concise, accurate guidance from them. The more clearly they can communicate with their Spirit Guides, the easier, more productive, and more abundant their days are.
The better your communication with Spirit is, the more abundant you will be.
When you are a clear and open channel for Spirit to come through, it not only means you are a clear channel for messages to come through, but also for Source energy to flow directly through you, which means the very source of abundance is also flowing directly through you.
You are meant to be a channel for Spirit to flow through. You are meant to be abundant and you are meant to be a divine expression of spiritual energy into the world. Allowing Spirit to flow through you each day in every possible way you can is what you are here to do and what you were designed to do.
You have the ability to connect to Spirit for guidance and support.
Even if you feel blocked and are not receiving the level of support you feel you should be, that does not mean you are not able to. Clearing your blocks to communicating with your Spirit Guides IS possible and is an essential part of becoming more of who you are and more fulfilled, happy, healthy, wealthy and abundant in the process.
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P.S. Want to learn more about how you can connect with your Spirit Guides on a regular basis and clear all blocks to connecting to and receiving messages from your Spirit Guides? Consider my Spirit Guide Reading, my Connect to Spirit for Abundance 6-week One-on-One Mentoring Program, or email me directly for more details now.