We carry emotional “baggage” from our past experiences. We are all aware of that. And sometimes that “baggage” can really overload us and weigh us down, just like when we overpack for a trip or vacation. Sometimes, we even have trouble enjoying ourselves on that trip because we have so much “junk” we have brought with us! Well, what many … Read More
Fear Has a Voice
Yes, our fear has a voice, and it can be quite scary at times. It speaks to us when we are at our most vulnerable and convinces us that we need to be terribly worried when often there is no real need to be. Now, I’m not saying that our fears are always a bad thing. They’re not. Sometimes they’re … Read More
Our Relationship with Ourselves is the Most Valuable Relationship
Just like our outer state is a constant reflection of our inner state, how we view ourselves is a consistent reminder of who we are and how much we value ourselves. We also express that state outwardly constantly as we move throughout our day and that state of being is the energetic magnet that attracts many of our experiences to … Read More
Go Within to Find Abundance
Too often, I think, when we try to manifest and create abundance in our lives, we look for it in the wrong place. We look for ways we can create it in our outer circumstances instead of looking for ways to create it within first. This is a huge problem. Why? Because it sends one big message outward that we … Read More
The Art and Science of Healing (As I See It)
Healing is an art and a science. But it’s also more than that. It’s not just a way to “fix” problems or improve upon ourselves. It’s a way to go deeper – to know ourselves deeper at Soul-level and all the gifts and characteristics we were blessed with when we came into existence and as we have evolved over time. … Read More
The Value of a Present-Life Clearing
You may remember the article I wrote last month, Healing Through the Akashic Records. I explained in the article how I utilize the Akashic Records as a tool for healing because it is such a vast storehouse of knowledge that you can utilize to find the energetic source of any problem you might currently be having. This includes health problems, … Read More