Many of you are experiencing lots of changes in your worlds right now. Even if it feels scary or unsteady to you right now, I can assure you, it’s all for the better. We, as humanity, are moving into a new place, a new dimension of consciousness, if you will, where the old thoughts and ideas that have bound and held … Read More
Supercharge Your Intuition With Nutrition
In my last couple of articles, I talked about the connection between nutrition and manifestation. In this article, I’m going to take it one step further and discuss the connection between nutrition and intuition in more detail. It should be common sense to understand that anytime there is an imbalance in your body, you will not feel your best and … Read More
How Nutrient Deficiencies Stop You From Manifesting
It’s been a while since I’ve written last – roughly two months to be exact! It’s been an interesting summer for sure and I’ve learned a lot about myself and my work. In my last post, I talked about the importance of nutrition when it comes to feeling your best and I spent a good portion of the last two … Read More
Your Health: Foundation of Manifesting
I’ve been on an interesting journey in my life over the last year and a half. Many things have happened with the passing of my father, my husband leaving the military due to back injuries, moving back to the area of the country I’m originally from, and then losing two other family members. It’s been one heck of a year … Read More
Artwork Designed To Heal You
As you may have read by now, I’ve been working to incorporate my artistic ability into my healing work, as you can see by viewing the graphic above or by clicking here. Art has a tremendous healing capacity in and of itself, because of its contemplative nature and the ability to allow one to delve deeper and deeper into the meaning … Read More
11 Spiritual Principles for Lightworkers on Taking Inspired Action
As you know now is a beautiful time of spiritual awakening on the planet. Now we are called to be of one mind and heart. If you feel called, it’s time for you to step out in light and love and make a difference. As each one of us shares our gifts, it creates a ripple effect. By the nature … Read More