Too often, we get irritated with those in our lives too quickly before considering that there might be a valuable lesson or awareness within the dynamics of the relationship we are a part of. What we are so blatantly missing is that our relationships are a mirror through which we can see deeply into ourselves, if only we would choose … Read More
Overeating: Why Do We Do it?
Overeating, overconsumption, overindulging, even overspending … it all falls in the same category, in my opinion. But why do we do it? Where is the source of it? At times, it may be due to boredom. But above all, I believe the source of it is emotional in nature. Thinking about this topic has made me want to ask: What is … Read More
Addiction: A Different Perspective
Addiction is defined as becoming physiologically or psychologically dependent on a substance, such as alcohol or a narcotic. It can also include foods, and even certain activities or behaviors, such as shopping. The repetitive use of the substance, activity or behavior is typically an escape mechanism that the user begins to rely on far too much, until they no longer … Read More
Go Within to Find Abundance
Too often, I think, when we try to manifest and create abundance in our lives, we look for it in the wrong place. We look for ways we can create it in our outer circumstances instead of looking for ways to create it within first. This is a huge problem. Why? Because it sends one big message outward that we … Read More
How Parallel Lives Can Affect Us Negatively
A truly fascinating topic… parallel lives in parallel worlds. When our Soul chooses to incarnate, it does so in more than one version of our present lifetime. In fact, there are quite a few. And from what I can tell, some people may even have more than others. The purpose of this, of course, is for learning – to maximize … Read More