How Your Spirit Guides Help You Manifest

We each have a special “team” of somewhere between 4 and 6 Spirit Guides that we “hire” starting when we are born until sometime in our 20’s. Each one of our guides specializes in a different area that they help guide us in and work with us on. We also have a “spokesperson” who speaks for the entire team, relaying … Read More

Your Planetary Origin and Soul Group: What Is It?

There are different types of Soul Groups that people make references to, and the one most widely referenced is the group of Souls that acts like a “family” for you on the Spiritual Plane. These Souls have chosen to reincarnate together over and over to help one another learn and complete the life lessons they agree to while incarnated. With … Read More

How Past Lives Affect Your Ability to Attract Money

We carry emotional “baggage” from our past experiences. We are all aware of that. And sometimes that “baggage” can really overload us and weigh us down, just like when we overpack for a trip or vacation. Sometimes, we even have trouble enjoying ourselves on that trip because we have so much “junk” we have brought with us! Well, what many … Read More

Fear Has a Voice

Yes, our fear has a voice, and it can be quite scary at times. It speaks to us when we are at our most vulnerable and convinces us that we need to be terribly worried when often there is no real need to be. Now, I’m not saying that our fears are always a bad thing. They’re not. Sometimes they’re … Read More

Our Relationship with Ourselves is the Most Valuable Relationship

Just like our outer state is a constant reflection of our inner state, how we view ourselves is a consistent reminder of who we are and how much we value ourselves. We also express that state outwardly constantly as we move throughout our day and that state of being is the energetic magnet that attracts many of our experiences to … Read More

Stepping Forward Means Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

The work that I do brings great change into my clients’ lives. It may not always happen overnight or all at once, or even in the way they expected, but it does happen. Most people sense that about the work and are somewhat daunted by the propensity it has to change things. This can even make them nervous about booking … Read More