Wisdom Quote: Kahlil Gibran

Do you have a favorite wisdom quote or other inspirational quote? Please submit your favorite on my Facebook page and I will share it in my weekly ezine and blog. “You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might pray also in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance.” ~ Kahlil Gibran

12-12-12: What does it really mean?

There’s been so much information out about what 12-12-12 means for so long it seems now. And then of course there is all the writing about 12-21-12, which is a whole other matter, although they are linked, being so close together. The significance of the numbers repeating is actually what is important here. If you consider that the highest available … Read More

Money Alone is NOT Abundance

There are many times when we, as individuals, get “caught up” in the thinking that having a certain amount of money in our bank account will somehow make everything in our lives OK – that it will fix everything and all will be well and glorious when we have the money we want. Granted, money can buy a lot of … Read More