Many of us find ourselves in negative environments quite often, and most of the time it’s not of our choosing. Whether it’s our workplace or a relative’s home or even our own home, for example, being in a negative environment can do much damage to us emotionally and mentally, especially if we spend a lot of time there. The reason … Read More
Is Fear of Abundance Blocking Your Manifestations?
One of the biggest problems or underlying fears I’ve seen that can stop us from being abundant and manifesting our desires is a fear of abundance. If this fear is in place, very little that we do to bring more abundance into our lives will work. All our hard work produces very little in terms of results and it can … Read More
Your Soul Wants You to Be Abundant
Your Soul wants you to live an abundant life. Your Soul wants you to be happy. It also wants to express itself as fully as possible. That means expressing its gifts in every way it can. But if we don’t know what those are and what that means, how can we express them in our daily lives? We can’t. When … Read More
Fear: Your Greatest Teacher and Your Worst Enemy
Fears – we all have them. And they can be concerning just about anything. They serve a great purpose for us, whether we realize it or not, and can teach us SO much. Fears can act as a protective mechanism, keeping us from going into harm’s way, and letting us know when we need to pay close attention to something. … Read More
Grounding and Manifesting
For those of us who do a lot of spiritual or energetic healing work, it can raise our energetic vibration quite quickly, taking us to a much higher and better place in our lives. The problem is we can very easily get caught up in the spiritual nature of the work and forget that we are living a physical existence. … Read More
Soul Clearing for Financial Abundance, Part 3
When we find ourselves stuck financially and living in lack, there is usually a reason for it. The problem is we don’t always realize it at the time. We are typically blinded by our circumstances and feel trapped and depressed or angry. We are looking for the cause of our difficulty and a way out as quickly as possible, but … Read More