One of the biggest things you hear about manifesting is that you need to be in a state of gratitude in order to manifest, and more importantly to receive, what you are asking for.
What is quite frequently left out of the literature, however, and is rarely said, is that it takes you having ample free time and quiet moments with no stress surrounding you and bombarding you in order for you to be able to truly appreciate and be grateful for what you have and what you are experiencing.
If you are constantly busy, on the move, or working all the time, it doesn’t allow you much time to process the events of your life and recognize all that you have to be grateful for. The same things applies if you are stressed out all the time and so overwhelmed that you don’t have one moment to catch your breath and enjoy the life you’ve worked so hard to build. You simply can’t and won’t find gratitude that way.
That’s the part no one tells you about getting yourself in a state of gratitude. You need space and time to yourself to enjoy what you have worked so hard for.
How many of you have overloaded yourselves to the point with unnecessary “things” in your life … those “things” that have done nothing more than take you away from who being who you truly are and enjoying the simple moments in life designed to remind you just how much you truly do have to appreciate in life? Like time with your family watching a special movie or going for a walk, or maybe getting coffee with a good friend?
How about for a change… try getting rid of all the “things” stressing you out that are blocking your natural flow of energy, life, enjoyment, and abundance, no matter what they are?
Make more space for you to enjoy your life and I promise you, you will be better off.
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P.S. Want to learn more about the Akashic Records and how to access your own personal Akashic Record? Take a peek at my brand new training course Akashic Healing Wisdom™ Akashic Records Intuitive Development & Healing Training Course to learn how.